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Vit D3 Spray 4000 IU RAW (no sweeteners)

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Innovative oral spray with a high concentration of highly assimilable vitamin D3 that ensures direct absorption in the mouth without the need for digestion. Each bottle has 250 sprays that provide 50 µg (2,000 IU). Without sweeteners, 100% allergen free and suitable for vegetarians. Banned substance tested by Informed Sport.

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Highly concentrated and assimilable Vitamin D Spray

  • High concentration of Vit. D: 2000 IU/spray
  • High concentration of Vit. D: 50 µg (1,000% NRV)/spray
  • In mouth spray form for easy dosage.
  • Higher absorption and bioavailability than conventional formats
  • Banned substance tested by Informed-Sport
  • No Sweeteners, Allergen Free and Suitable for Vegetarians

Vit. D3 Spray 4,000 IU is a novel oral spray based on highly concentrated vitamin D3, easy to dose and, most importantly, highly assimilable because it does not require prior digestion, since it is absorbed directly in the mouth. It provides 50 µg per spray, i.e. 1,000% of the NRV or, in other words, 2,000 IU (International Units). It contains no sweeteners or unnecessary excipients or additives, making it highly pure, which is why it is so concentrated. It is also 100% allergen free and suitable for vegetarians.

Vitamin D or Calciferol is a fat-soluble vitamin, that is, it is soluble in fats, so it is recommended to be ingested together with fat-containing foods. It is found naturally as vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) in foods of animal origin that contain fat, for example, in fatty or blue fish such as salmon, mackerel, etc., egg yolks, whole milk products and their derivatives (not skimmed), etc. Also in foods of vegetable origin (although to a lesser extent) in the form of vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), for example, in avocados, wild mushrooms, nuts and some seeds such as sesame seeds. And it is well known that the main and perhaps the most important source is vitamin D3, which we generate ourselves through exposure to sunlight. It must be taken into account that both vitamin D2 and D3 are inactive forms that once ingested must be activated to be able to exercise their functions (approx. only 50% of the ingested vitamin D3 is absorbed). While that generated by the cutaneous route, with UVB radiation affecting 7-dehydrocholesterol, which is found in the dermis, a pre-vitamin D3 is synthesized directly.

Functions at general level

Vitamin D is so important that today there is an open debate among the scientific community to consider it almost more as a hormone than as a simple vitamin. This is due to its wide and important functionality (which we will now see) and to the fact that the different tissues, including muscle tissue, have specific receptors for this vitamin, hence some consider it more of a hormone. At a general level, it is important because it is involved in processes of bone growth and mineralization, muscle function and sarcopenia, for the immune system, for the nervous system and neurodegeneration, as well as having a fundamental role in the prevention of various chronic diseases such as inflammatory diseases (e.g. autoimmune diseases), cancer, cardiovascular diseases, etc. So much so that some important worldwide organizations such as the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) grant vitamin D important benefits such as those published in 2012, which are related to the above mentioned and which can be summarized as follows: vitamin D contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, contributes to the process of cell division, contributes to the normal absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus, contributes to the maintenance of normal levels of calcium in the blood, contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, contributes to the normal functioning of the muscles, contributes to the maintenance of normal teeth.

Benefits for sportsmen and women

As we have just mentioned, all the functions are also important for athletes, but perhaps the ones most related to sports are those that have to do with muscular functions and those of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. In relation to the latter, we know the direct involvement of calcium with muscle contraction, a key aspect in sport, so indirectly vitamin D could be key to improving performance or at least the quality of training. At the level of strength and hypertrophy, especially in older people, it seems that it could increase both the number and size of type II fibers (fast fibers) which are the most sensitive to hypertrophy which is directly related to preventing sarcopenia, it also seems to increase certain hormones related to this such as IGF-1 and testosterone (Lerchbaum, E. et al., JCEM. 2.017). Therefore, although the consensus is not clear, it seems to have an important role in adaptations to intense exercise and muscle recovery (Dzik, K.P. et al., EJAP. 2.019). Also, related to this, it seems that vitamin D exerts an improvement in the sensitization of cells to amino acids and, therefore, of proteins, improving the processes of protein synthesis (Pfeifer, M. et al., OI. 2.002). When vitamin D binds to its receptor in the muscle cell, genes are activated in the cytoplasm which subsequently activate proteins that regulate the satellite cells involved in muscle regeneration. It also appears to improve the synthesis of contractile proteins, i.e. actin and myosin, as well as indirectly inhibiting myostatin. Finally, it seems to improve mitochondrial function and to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions.

Its efficacy as an ergogenic aid, i.e., that it directly improves performance, has not been demonstrated, but it does appear that having low levels of this vitamin is negative in terms of performance (Montenegro, K.R. et al., NRR. 2.019).

Risks, Deficits and Why Supplement?

For all the above mentioned, its deficit can cause serious health problems, among them, the best known is rickets or bone demineralization. At the cognitive level there can be deterioration, depression or suicidal thoughts. And those affecting the muscular level, which are the most related to sport, such as muscle weakness that can influence and/or lead to sarcopenia and contractile problems, which increase the chances of injury (Maroon, J.C. et al., AJSM. 2.015). It has also been shown that athletes with deficits were at greater risk of contracting diseases (Halliday, T.M. et al., MSSE. 2011), for example, respiratory infections, as confirmed in a meta-analysis (Martineau, A.R. BMJ. 2007).

Although it should not be so, there is currently a “worldwide pandemic” of vitamin D deficiency, this is due to the fact that we spend too much time indoors, an unbalanced diet, excessive use of sunscreens and/or little exposure to the sun are the main causes of this decrease in the levels of this vitamin. It is estimated that around 88% of the world’s population suffers from deficiency. These figures also include athletes, especially those involved in “indoor” disciplines.

Although following a balanced diet should be enough to have the necessary daily intake, as we have already mentioned, this is not the case, so supplementation is the quickest, easiest and most effective way to raise overall vitamin D levels. With a simple analysis we can know if we need to supplement or not.

Why in Spray?

There are numerous galenic forms that we can use to supplement ourselves such as capsules, pearls, etc., the differences between them are, on the one hand, the amount they contain and, on the other hand, the bioavailability of the same, it is here where the format in mouth spray is differentiating the first for its easy dosage, spraying directly into the mouth, that makes it can be super-concentrated. In addition, the level of bioavailability is maximum because it does not have to be digested via the stomach, passing directly and immediately into the bloodstream because the microdroplets penetrate the capillaries of the buccal mucosa. All this translates into high absorption and efficacy compared to other formats (higher plasma concentration vs. pearls in 30 days of treatment) (Satia, M.C. et al., NJ. 2.015).

And not forgetting that Vit. D3 Spray 4,000 IU is 100% safe as it is banned substance tested by Informed-Sport.

Directions for use: Take one or two sprays a day or as prescribed by your doctor or nutritionist. Shake for a few seconds before each use. Spray directly into the mouth. Each 0.2 ml spray provides approx. 2,000 IU.

Professional advice:

  • If you are taking a vitamin D supplement: it is advisable to supplement with magnesium, as it enhances the absorption, transport and activation of vitamin D.
  • Although it is highly assimilable, to enhance its absorption it is recommended to be taken together with a meal or food containing fat.
*NRV: Nutrient Reference Values
NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION for 1 spray %VRN* for 2 sprays %VRN*
Vitamin D3 50μg 1,000% 100μg 2,000%
In International Units
Vitamin D3 2,000IU 4,000IU

Ingredients: Water, cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3), lemon flavor, preservatives: sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate; acidifier: citric acid.

Allergen table
Data sheet

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